Care and Repair
The Charitable Fund

Aberdeen Care & Repair Group Charitable Fund is a Registered Charity (Reg. No. SC015306). The charity raises funding to help support the Service, which in turn assists older people, people with a disability or long term health problems to remain living independently within their own home and community.
To do this using the funds from the Charity the service can:
- Provide small grants to cover the costs of essential repairs to the home for clients on low fixed incomes.
- Manage various small grant funds for specific purposes (Criteria and details of each fund can be found here)
- Support the service’s Homesafe Projects by providing safety, security and dementia-friendly equipment free of charge to those most vulnerable
- Supports the development/inclusion of additional support services for people living with mental health or dementia
All grants awarded have set criteria and financial limit for each fund which can be approved by individual staff members using the Service Financial Assistance Procedure, with anything out-with this criteria having to be presented to the Management Committee for approval as per our higher grant criteria guidance.
During the year 23/24 a total of 329 households received support through the charity at a cost to the charity of £70,116.05 but this investment enabled £192,280.55 of work to be carried out for vulnerable households in Aberdeen City.
(Annual accounts can be viewed here.) All funds raised are fully invested in the charity’s purpose, and service staff provide the management and administration of the charity.
The fund is supported by the generosity of numerous donors in the city, a full list of which can be viewed here.
The charity is comprised of different funds, each targeting a specific project. Details of these funds are listed below.
Home Maintenance
The Home Maintenance Fund awards hardship grants to individuals for repairs/improvements/adaptations to their homes.
Hardship grants are awarded to individuals for repairs/improvements/adaptations to the home. For requests over £100 for this fund, the Management Committee have to consider each individual case. The maximum grant that can be awarded is £500.00 and individuals must meet set criteria as laid out in the guidance notes for Allocation of funds which are available here.
Energy Efficiency
This fund provides grants for older and/or disabled clients who are in fuel poverty. Grants have to be used for Energy Efficiency works such as new heating system, replacement boiler, additional radiators, replacement windows/doors, draught-proofing, cladding, etc.
Grants awarded from the Energy Efficiency Fund can be up to a maximum of £500.00.
Safety & Security fund
This fund is used to purchase safety and security equipment, such as carbon monoxide detectors, window locks, grab rails and smoke detectors, which are fitted by Care and Repair's own tradesmen free of charge. This ensures that clients who
meet the required criteria can benefit from increased security and safety in their own homes.
The maximum grant that can be awarded is £200.00.
Minor Aids/
Due to changes in the Occupational Therapists assessment criteria, many older people were left without any financial assistance for minor aids. The fund provides grants specifically for minor aids such as external rails, grab rails, additional bannisters, extending front doorsteps etc. Grants are limited to £300.
This fund assists older or disabled people to carry out the basic decoration of the home; either to make good the room after a repair or improvement has been carried out or when a client must move property due to health conditions i.e. sheltered housing, being discharged from hospital or a care facility to live independently within the community. Grants are limited to £300 per household.
Support for Carers/Disabled Children/Young Adults
This fund provides assistance to parents or carers of disabled children and young people in Aberdeen, who are financially unable to provide items such as safety gates, access ramps or garden fences. This allows children to have a more secure area to live and play in. Grants can be awarded for the purchase of minor items and for the work to be carried out.
The maximum grant that can be awarded is £300.00.
Electrical Safety Fund
This fund was established in 2017 due to an increased number of requests to carry out electrical repairs, or an electrical safety check for vulnerable householders. A large number of older people live in properties built over 40 years ago many of which have not been upgraded to current standards.
The new fire safety regulations being introduced in 2021 around smoke and heat detectors will have an impact on our client group. Grants are limited to £300 per household
Gas Safe
This fund is provided through Foundations and Gas Safe. Clients have to meet specific criteria set by the charity. Grants of up to £500 are available for various gas safety measures and are set by the charity.
Home Safe
This fund can contribute towards the cost of carrying out a Home Safe Assessment to older and vulnerable/at-risk householders. This is used as an early intervention tool by staff to identify any risks within the home. Costs of repairs and or equipment can be covered if the need has been identified through a survey.
Financial Procedure- link
The maximum grant that can be awarded is £200.00
This fund provides cover for the cost of dementia friendly equipment such as: clocks, daylight bulbs, motion sensory lights etc. It also covers the costs of a home safety assessment for people living with dementia.
Guidance for Grants
If your company is interested in donating to any of our Charitable Funds so that we can continue to assist people over 60-years-old and people living with disabilities or long-term health problems in Aberdeen, please click here.
Group funds will be used to help as many people as possible within Aberdeen City.
Priority given to:
- cases where lack of repair will lead to serious risk to health and/or safety.
- cases where the client is likely to suffer hardship unless financial help is given